Our NEW Plant Care Journal is the plant organization book you need!

Got Plants? Like, a lot of plants? Then you need our new Plant Care Journal!

With fill in pages for 60 plants, plus additional plant note pages, our Plant Care Journal will help you be an organized Plant Parent! We designed this spiral-bound book to be an easy way to organize and track the progress of your plants.

Each section includes space to record:
 - the name of your plant
 - date acquired
 - drawing or photo (can fit a mini polaroid photo!)
 - location in your house
 - requirements for light, water, humidity, and nutrients
 - 2 lined blank pages to record extra information on your plant

The hand-drawn line art plant leaves featured throughout the journal are of various house plants, including monstera deliciosa, fiddle leaf fig, rhaphidophora tetrasperma, monstera adansonii and philodendron selloum.

 - 243 pages
 - Size: 6" × 9"
 - Spiral-Bound 

Shop now for yourself or to gift to a Plant Parent!